Redundant inner thigh skin is a common problem
after massive weight loss. Patients also experience laxity of tissue
on the outside surface of the thighs. It is usually not as prominent
as the skin on the inner surface. Patients complain about inability
to wear normal clothing.
Inner thigh lift addresses the laxity of the
skin on the inner aspect of the thighs. It allows for removal of
redundant skin and fatty tissue.
The Preoperative visit
During the consultation the patient’s desires and concerns, as
well, as the physical deformities are evaluated. Photographs will be
reviewed. Dr. Soltanian discusses various options and his
recommendations including the limitations and surgical risks. Thigh
lift can be combined with liposuction for enhancement of the
Ideal Candidates
The best candidates for thigh lift are patients who are close to
their ideal body weight and do not experience significant weight
fluctuations. Major medical conditions such as heart and lung
conditions may be a relative contraindication for this procedure.
Patients should understand that there will be permanent scars after
this procedure.
The Procedure
Thigh lift is performed under general anesthesia. The procedure
is about 2-3 hours in length. Patients leave the hospital on the
same day. There may be a small drain on each side which will be
removed during an office visit.
If the vertical laxity is the main problem, thigh lift is
performed through an incision in the groin area with the scar
usually hidden in the crease. Frequently there is extensive laxity
requiring a vertical incision on the inner thigh. This incision
allows for tightening of the thigh circumference. The vertical
incision is kept as short as possible, however sometimes it extends
down to the knee area.
The Recovery
Patients will require oral pain medication for the first few days after
surgery. They are encouraged to ambulate, however avoid strenuous activity.
Patients are required to apply compression to the surgical area for 3-4 weeks.
The drains are removed in the office.
The swelling will subside over a period of 4-6
weeks. The final results are visible in 6-8 weeks after surgery.
Some scars may require small revisions. Patients experience tighter
skin around the thighs and smoothing of the skin folds.